Saturday, August 2, 2008

Still in the dark

I'ts been going on two years, since I began having breathing problems. Been to several Docs (one a specialist). Have had many diagnosiots. A remedy for each one. None of which worked. Got a lot of help from family. Read a lot. Tried natural cures, drugs,etc. Kept records. Had two cat scans, on and on. Any how, the symptoms grew less and less. Stopped records because there was nothing to report. Every now and then, I get a tightness in my throat. I seem to be able to bring it on with heavy exercise. Certainly not a problem. If this was all I had at the onset, I would have done nothing. I spoke to Amy and Lisa. They thought perhaps I had COPD. I read up on that. I don't think so. Is it possible that what ever was going on cured itself?.Did my respiratory system find a new channel to my lungs? I'll guess with you. I have one more trip to the doc,will tell her to forget about it. I thank you all for your concern.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Well, I'm glad your breathing problems resolved themselves!