Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fire, fire everywhere

I began very early starting fires. I recall during summer vacation, when some one would ask"what should we do?" I would always say"lets go in the woods and build a fire". I was good at it. Talking kids into it I mean. But I could start a mean fire. I would come home with my brother Dick, both smelling like a smoked ham. Mom would say "who had the fire?" "not us Mom" We were good fire builders, but lousy liars. Now that I have acquired a modicum of sense, my fires are of the constructive sort. Incinerators to be specific. I have made several of them. I have the secret. A screen on the bottom. Supported by fire brick. Keeps the barrel from burning out. I may market it. At least to the people up state.Every one has one. They call them burn barrels. Which is what they do. Mine will last longer. Are we on to something here? Give me a comment.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You could sell 'em in Kentucky. Most nice days down here are dotted with the smell of burning trash!