Monday, November 10, 2008

Going north at last

Looks like we will be going up to the "farm" Tomorrow AM. Been trying to get up for a while .Cathy was sick all last week. Before that it was her Doctor appointment. Need to get up there soon or the house might freeze up. Talked to Ron Johnson. said there will be some snow. Cathy wanted to go to DE to be with Susie. But hated to see me go alone. Joe said he would come up with me but could only get Tuesday and Wednesday off. Not enough time. Cathy and I will stay for 4 or 5 days. Lots of things to do. Owning two houses can be a lot of work. Anne Marie called this morning. She said Susie might be worse than any one knows. I hope not. She will start Chemo soon. Went on radiation today. I don't know who is suffering the worst. Could be Cathy. She has one more test, then Doc Kim will tell us whats up.

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