Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sweet Sixteen

If you think that only folks can be "sweet sixteen". You're wrong. Organizations can also be sixteen years old. I belong to "the first light group" So named because we meet every morning at 7:30 AM. We are part of AA. The meeting was founded on St. Patricks day 1992. And every year we have a special occasion know as an anniversary. We hold what is known in the "program" as an "eatin meetin". Breakfast is served at 7:00 AM and we begin the AA meeting at 7:30. We pass out fliers to other groups. Giving the time, date etc. So we get quite a nice turnout. Also included in the flier is the name of the speaker and his length of time. This supposedly entices people to come. Either they know the person and want to hear his story, or they figure if the guy has a lot of time he might know something worth hearing. Now the point of this story. The group voted me to be the speaker. It was the highlight of my sojourn through the 29 years of my not taking a drink one day at a time. Telling ones story to your home group is really neat. Most of my friends have heard every thing about my life. But never all at the same time. Anyway, I loved the opportunity. I got a nice hand, lots of hugs, and scores of nice comments. I also got a lots of laughs. It's always a good sign. Being sober is good.


Gingeralex said...

I'm proud of you Grandpa!

faf said...

i would love to hear that speech grandpa if you ever get some time. miss you and love you!

Sarah said...

Hey Grandpa, its been tooooo long since your last post...